Wildlife Animals Coloring Worksheets For LKG

Welcome to our collection of “Wildlife Animals Coloring Worksheets,” created for kindergarten kids! Here are some benefits of these worksheets:

  • Fun and Engaging: These worksheets make coloring a fun and enjoyable activity for young children.
  • Boosts Creativity: Coloring encourages kids to express themselves and use their imagination.
  • Educational Value: Each worksheet introduces children to different wildlife animals, promoting a love for nature and learning.
  • Variety of Animals: Our set includes 10 different animals like the cobra, hippo, cheetah, giraffe, elephant, rhino, and more, providing diverse coloring opportunities.
  • Easy to Color: Designed with young learners in mind, these sheets are simple and fun to color.

Parents and educators, these worksheets are perfect for keeping your kindergarten kids engaged and learning in a playful, creative way.

Wild Life Coloring Worksheets for kindergarten
Wild Life Animals Coloring Worksheets (zebra)
Wild Life Animals Coloring Worksheets (chameleon & alligator)
Wild Life Animals Coloring Worksheets (GORILLA)
Wild Life Animals Coloring Worksheets (HIPPO & PANDA)
Wild Life Animals Coloring Worksheets (COBRA)
Wild Life Animals Coloring Worksheets (ELEPHANT & RHINO)
Wild Life Animals Coloring Worksheets (GIRAFFE)
Wild Life Animals Coloring Worksheets (KOALA & LION)
Wild Life Animals Coloring Worksheets (CHEETAH)

Wildlife Animals Coloring Worksheets Details:

FormatDownloadable PDF
Number of Pages10
ContentWildlife Animals Coloring Worksheets For Kindergarten and Nursery
IllustrationsYes, playful and age-appropriate
Suitable ForNursery, Lkg & Ukg

Learning Objectives:

  • Developing Fine Motor Skills: Coloring isn’t just fun; it’s a workout for little hands! It helps kids get better at using their eyes and hands together, getting them ready for writing.
  • Learning Colors: When kids color, they’re also learning about colors!
  • Discovering Wildlife: Each worksheet has a new animal buddy. Kids will see amazing creatures that share our world.
  • Building Concentration: Coloring might seem simple, but it’s actually a great way for kids to practice staying focused. Completing a whole sheet requires some serious attention, which is important for doing well in school.
  • Encouraging Patience and Perseverance: Coloring teaches kids the value of patience. Working on a coloring sheet from start to finish helps them learn how to stick with a task until it’s done, building their perseverance.

Who is this for?: This set of wildlife animals coloring worksheets is suitable for the children in LKG, UKG, Nursery, preschool, and kindergarten, providing adaptable activities suitable for learning.

Materials Needed:

  • Printed copies of the Wildlife Animals Coloring Worksheets.
  • A set of crayons, colored pencils, or markers.
  • Optional: a folder or binder to organize and store completed worksheets.

How to Use:


Introduce the coloring worksheet and the animal featured on it. Share some fun and interesting facts about the animal to capture the kids’ interest and curiosity.

Color Selection:

Encourage children to pick colors they think suit the animal. Discuss how the animal looks in real life, but also let them use their imagination and be creative with their color choices.


Let the kids color the worksheet at their own will and speed. Encourage them to stay within the lines to help improve their fine motor skills.


After they finish coloring, talk about the animal together. Ask engaging questions like “What sound does this animal make?” or “Where does this animal live?” to deepen their understanding.


Show off the completed coloring pages by displaying them on a bulletin board or creating a classroom gallery or sticking it on home walls. Celebrate their hard work and creativity, making them feel proud of their achievements.


  • Sit with younger or less experienced children. Color with them to demonstrate techniques. Offer specific color suggestions to help them choose and learn.

  • Encourage older or more skilled children to add more details. Suggest adding patterns, like stripes or dots, to their coloring. Ask them to draw backgrounds that show where the animals live.

  • Combine coloring time with storytelling. Make stories about the animal they are coloring. By using these tips, you can ensure that each child gets the most out of their coloring activities, regardless of their skill level.

Additional Activities:

  • Animal Habitats: Encourage your children or students to create dioramas or drawings of animals’ natural habitats. This activity helps them understand where different animals live. It’s a great project that combines art and science, making the learning experience memorable.

  • Animal Sounds: Organize a fun game where children mimic the sounds of the animals they have colored. This promotes auditory learning as they listen to and reproduce the various sounds. It’s an enjoyable activity that also enhances their listening skills and their ability to associate sounds with specific animals.

  • Animal Facts: Encourage the children to research and present one interesting fact about each animal they color. This activity promotes research skills and knowledge sharing among the children. It’s a wonderful way to develop their curiosity and presentation skills, as they learn to gather and share information.

Download the PDF File Here:

Click To Download the Wildlife Animals Coloring Worksheets PDF

Check Our Other Coloring Worksheets:

How to Print:

  1. Get the PDF: Start by clicking the link to download the PDF files of the worksheets.
  2. Set up Printing: Make sure your printer is all setup. You can adjust the settings like paper size, whether it’s portrait or landscape, and how clear you want the print to be.
  3. Check Before You Print: Take a print preview. To make sure everything looks just right before you hit print.
  4. Print: Once you’re happy with how it looks, go ahead and hit that print button.

Tips for Parents and Educators:

Create a Calm Environment

  • Find a quiet spot in your home or classroom where kids can color without interruptions. Make sure the area is comfortable with a good chair and table. Remove any distractions like loud noises, screens, or clutter to help kids focus on their artwork.

Encouragement and Praise

  • Always encourage children by telling them they are doing a great job. Praise their efforts and creativity to make them feel good about their work. Positive words can boost their confidence and keep them motivated to keep coloring.


  • Keep an eye on the kids while they color, especially the younger ones who might need more help. Offer assistance when they struggle or need guidance. Being present also allows you to share the joy of their progress and creations.

Common Mistakes and Solutions:

  • Coloring Outside the Lines:
  • Problem: Kids often find it hard to stay within the lines while coloring.
  • Solution:
    • Tell them to slow down and focus on smaller sections at a time.
    • Offer larger crayons or markers to help them have better control.

  • Limited Color Choices:
  • Problem: Some kids use only a few colors and never use different color.
  • Solution:
    • Motivate them to try different colors and see how it can make their drawing more vibrant and interesting.
    • Show them examples of colorful drawings to inspire their creativity.

  • Rushing Through the Task:
  • Problem: Kids might rush and finish coloring too quickly.
  • Solution:
    • Teach them to take their time and enjoy the coloring process.
    • Set a timer to give them a specific amount of time for each coloring activity, helping them to slow down and focus.

If you have any feedback, you can inform us, and we will be grateful. Ideas and any new worksheet suggestions are welcome!

Love from LkgWorksheets!

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