Shapes Tracing and Coloring Worksheets

Our Another “Shapes Tracing and Coloring Worksheets.” In This Worksheet, you’ll get to discover and color all sorts of cool shapes. These Worksheets are Downloadable and printable and available for free.


Shapes Tracing and Coloring Worksheets Cover
Shapes Tracing and Coloring Worksheets (Square)
Shapes Tracing and Coloring Worksheets (Rectangle)
Shapes Tracing and Coloring Worksheets (triangle)
Shapes Tracing and Coloring Worksheets (circle)

Shapes Tracing and Coloring Worksheets Details:

FormatDownloadable PDF
Number of Pages5
ContentShapes Tracing and Coloring Worksheet
IllustrationsYes, playful and age-appropriate
Suitable ForNursery, Lkg & Ukg

Learning Objectives: The primary objectives of our Shapes Tracing and Coloring Worksheets are to:

  • First, these Shapes Tracing and Coloring Worksheets are about showing kids the basic shapes we see around us every day. We’re talking about circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, and even more shapes they might not have met yet.
  • Then, by tracing and coloring these shapes, kids are getting a workout for those important skills.
  • Next, we’re sharpening their eyes and their sense of space. Yep, we’re helping them understand how shapes fit together and how they look from different angles.
  • And last but definitely not least. These worksheets aren’t just about filling in shapes; they’re about letting kids add their own special touches. Whether it’s adding patterns or giving each shape its own funky color, we want them to explore and express themselves however they like.

Who is this for?: These worksheets are suitable for the children in LKG, UKG, nursery, preschool, and kindergarten, providing adaptable activities suitable for learning.

Materials Needed:

  • Printed copies of the Shapes Tracing and Coloring Worksheets.
  • Crayons, colored pencils, or markers in vibrant colors.
  • Safety scissors (optional) for cutting out shapes, depending on the worksheet design.

How to Use:

Here are some simple instructions for our Shapes Tracing and Coloring Worksheets

  1. Getting to Know Shapes: Start by introducing kids to each shape shown in the worksheets. You can use everyday objects or pictures to show them what each shape looks like. Make it fun by playing games or showing them how these shapes are all around us.
  2. Tracing Fun: Next, guide the kids as they trace the outlines of the shapes with their pencils or crayons. Help them hold their pencil correctly and show them which way to move their hand to trace the shapes accurately.
  3. Let’s Get Creative with Colors: After they finish tracing, it’s time to add some color! Let the kids choose their favourite colors and fill in the shapes. Encourage them to try different color combinations and shading techniques to make their artwork unique.
  4. Keep the Learning Going: Don’t stop with just tracing and coloring. Explore more activities related to shapes. You can play games, tell stories, or even do some hands-on activities that reinforce what they learned from the worksheets. The more ways they engage with shapes, the better they’ll understand them!


  • Make it Visual: Use pictures like flashcards or posters to help those who learn best by seeing things.
  • Get Hands-On: Let kids play with clay or blocks to understand shapes better, or let them trace shapes in materials like sand or rice.
  • Use All the Senses: Make learning about shapes fun by adding music, moving around, or using cool gadgets that interact with what they’re learning.
  • Tools for Everyone: If someone has trouble with writing or holding a pencil, give them special tools like easier-to-hold pens or things that make shapes feel different.

Additional Activities:

  • Shape Scavenger Hunt: Go on a hunt! Look for shapes everywhere, whether you’re inside or outside. Can you find circles in your house? What about squares or triangles in the backyard?
  • Shape Collage: Get crafty! Gather up different materials like paper, fabric, buttons, or even stuff from nature like leaves or rocks. Then, see what kind of cool pictures you can make using all those shapes.
  • Shape Storytelling: Let your imagination run wild! Make up stories where shapes are the stars. Maybe a circle goes on an adventure, or a square meets some new friends. It’s all about having fun and making up your own tales.

Download the PDF File Here:

Click To Download Shapes Tracing And Coloring Worksheets PDF

How to Print:

  1. Get the PDF: Start by clicking the link to download the PDF files of the worksheets. Easy peasy, right?
  2. Set up Printing: Make sure your printer is all setup. You can adjust the settings like paper size, whether it’s portrait or landscape, and how clear you want the print to be.
  3. Check Before You Print: Take a print preview. To make sure everything looks just right before you hit print.
  4. Print Away: Once you’re happy with how it looks, go ahead and hit that print button.

Tips for Parents and Educators:

  • Encourage: Create a positive atmosphere where kids feel good about trying new things and showing off their creativity.
  • Discovery: Help out when needed, giving hints and showing them how to do things. Talk to them about what they’re doing to make it even more interesting.
  • Celebrate: When they do something cool, let them know you’re proud of them. It’s important to cheer them on and appreciate their hard work.
  • Teamwork: Get them working with others, doing stuff together and sharing ideas. This helps them make friends and learn how to get along with others while they’re learning.

Common Mistakes and Solutions:

  • Trouble Staying Inside the Lines: Some kids find it hard to keep their crayons or pencils right where they need to be. We can help by giving them tracing sheets with thicker lines to follow, or by guiding their hand ourselves until they get the hang of it.
  • Picking Colors Can Be Tricky: Sometimes, choosing which color to use can feel like a big decision. We can ease their worries by letting them know it’s okay to try different colors and that there’s no such thing as a wrong choice when it comes to being creative.
  • Feeling Overwhelmed by Tough Shapes: When shapes get really complicated, it’s easy for kids to feel like it’s too much. We can start them off with simpler shapes and designs, gradually introducing more challenging ones as they get more comfortable. This way, they can build up their confidence little by little.

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