Numbers Ordering Worksheets For Kindergarten 1-20

Get Our Numbers Ordering Worksheets For Kindergarten 1-20, In These Worksheets, Kids have to complete the Number Order given in the worksheet. Also, They have to Cut the Numbers And Paste them in proper order!

Numbers Ordering Worksheets for Kindergarten (lkg) 1 to 20
Numbers Ordering Worksheets For kindergarten (lkg) 1 to 20
Numbers Ordering Worksheets For kindergarten (lkg) 1 to 20
Numbers Ordering Worksheets For kindergarten cutting & pasting from 1 to 10
Numbers Ordering Worksheets For kindergarten cutting & pasting from 1 to 10
Numbers Ordering Worksheets For kindergarten cutting & pasting from 1 to 10
Numbers Ordering Worksheets For kindergarten cutting & pasting from 1 to 20
Numbers Ordering Worksheets For kindergarten cutting & pasting from 1 to 20
Numbers Ordering Worksheets For kindergarten cutting & pasting from 1 to 20

Numbers Ordering Worksheets For Kindergarten 1-20 Details:

FormatDownloadable PDF
Number of Pages9
ContentNumbers Ordering Worksheets 1-20/ Number Order Worksheets Cutting & Pasting.
IllustrationsYes, playful and age-appropriate
Suitable ForNursery, Lkg & Ukg

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognizing Numbers: These Math Numbers Ordering Worksheets are about getting friendly with numbers. We want kids to be able to look at a number from 1 to 20 and know what it is.
  • Putting Numbers in Order: We want kids to be able to line up numbers from smallest to biggest, or the other way around.
  • Getting Good with Scissors: These worksheets aren’t just about numbers; they’re about Cutting jobs too. We’ll have kids cutting and pasting, which might sound simple, but it’s great for improving their hand skills and for their eyes and hands to work together.
  • Understanding Numbers Better: These sheets will help kids really get what numbers are all about. They’ll understand how they work together, how they’re bigger or smaller than each other.

Who is this for?: These Worksheets are suitable for the children in LKG, UKG, nursery, preschool, and kindergarten, providing adaptable activities suitable for learning.

Materials Needed:

  • Printouts: Get Printouts of Numbers Ordering Worksheets. You can download them as PDFs.
  • Drawing Tools: Crayons, markers, pencils, pen.
  • Cutting and Pasting: Scissors and glue. They’re important for the activities where they’ll be cutting out numbers and sticking them in the right places.

How to Use:

  1. Introduction: Start by explaining to the students what number ordering means. Tell them how important it is to put numbers in order from smallest to largest.
  2. Practice Them: Show them how to do it. Guide them through examples, pointing out missing numbers and helping them arrange numbers from lowest to highest.
  3. Let Them Explore: Let the students try it on their own. Tell them they can work through the rest of the worksheets by themselves, but you’re there to help if they need it. Make sure they know it’s okay to make mistakes and learn from them.
  4. Reviews: Have a discussion where students can talk about their answers, share the strategies they used, and think about what they’ve learned. Encourage them to talk to each other and learn from one another.


  • Use Pictures: Show numbers with pictures, like lines of numbers, charts, or things you can touch and move around, to help students who learn best by seeing.
  • Start Easy, Go Slow: Begin with easy tasks where you put things in order, then move to harder ones step by step, so everyone can follow along.
  • Play Together: Have fun games where you practice numbers, like bingo with numbers or online games where you can play and learn at the same time.
  • Work with Friends: Let the Kids help each other and work together on learning, so everyone can learn from their friends and support each other along the way.

Additional Activities:

  • Number Hunt: You can send kids on a hunt to find numbers all around them, like on classroom items outside in the yard or in home. It’s like a treasure hunt, but with numbers!
  • Story Math: You can also try mixing stories with math. Create fun activities where kids use numbers to follow along with stories. Like storytelling with a math twist!
  • Outdoor Games: Take them outdoors and explore nature while counting things like leaves, rocks, or flowers. Then, challenge kids to put them in order from smallest to biggest.

Download the PDF File Here:

Click To Download The Numbers Ordering Worksheets For Kindergarten 1-20 PDF

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How to Print:

  1. Get the PDF: Start by clicking the link to download the PDF files of the worksheets.
  2. Set up Printing: Make sure your printer is all setup. You can adjust the settings like paper size, whether it’s portrait or landscape, and how clear you want the print to be.
  3. Check Before You Print: Take a print preview. To make sure everything looks just right before you hit print.
  4. Print: Once you’re happy with how it looks, go ahead and hit that print button.

Tips for Educators and Parents:

  • Praise and Encouragement: Remember to celebrate every step your child makes. When they make progress or achieve something, make a big deal out of it! This helps create a positive vibe in the classroom or in home where making mistakes isn’t scary; it’s just part of getting better.
  • Teach to Everyone: Everyone learns a bit differently. Some kids might need extra help, while others might need more of a challenge. Adjust the activities according to them!

Common Mistakes and Solutions:

  • Mixing up Numbers: Kids will find it tricky to put numbers in the right order. To help them out, we can use things like number lines or charts to show them how numbers go from one to the next.
  • Trouble with Cutting: Cutting and sticking can be tough for some students who struggle with their small movements. We can make things easier for them by providing tools they can handle easily or trying different activities like using already cut-out number cards or tracing instead.

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